The probably most found meaning of the acronym FDIC is Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. This system guarantees that each depositor under the system is insured per insured bank for at least $250,000.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (or Deposit Insurence Fund) is a US government corporation that provides deposit insurance to all depositors in U.S. savings institutions and commercial banks that are part of the system.
The FDIC was created in 1933 at the time of the Great Depression and was intended to restore trust in and credibility to the U.S. banking system.
The FDIC insurance is covering all sorts of deposits received at insured banks, including checking accounts, savings accounts, NOW (negotiable order of withdrawal) accounts, MMDAs (money market deposit accounts), and CDs (certificates of deposit), and other deposits.
A bank is not mandated to have FDIC-insured coverage but it is often an element of competition among banks. To check if your bank has FDIC coverage, just look for the FDIC logo at your bank, ask a bank representative, or go to this FDIC Bank Find page.
Another frequently found meaning for the acronym FDIS is “Frequency-Dependent Electromagnetic Coupling”. So let’s take a look at what Frequency-Dependent Electromagnetic Coupling and Broad-band Microstrip-to-CPW transition are all about. A few years ago, we saw the development of an improved transition of broadband microstrip to coplanar waveguide (CPW).
This was based on frequency-dependent characteristics of electromagnetic surface-to-surface couplings. Self-calibrated methods of moments are extended for modeling this unbounded 2-port discontinuity with dissimilar CPW feeding lines. Does this make any sense to you? Well, it probably does to high-educated electro scientists.
In the medical world (gastroenterology), the abbreviation FDIC is used for “Flat Depressed Early Colon Cancer”. Most colorectal cancers come up in pre-existing adenoma, the so-called adenoma-carcinoma sequence.
We have seen not that many reports of small depressed cancers as it is rather difficult to detect colonoscopic growths and ulcerating advanced cancers develop fast. Maybe this medical jargon is abracadabra to you as well. Let’s see what for the abbreviation FDIC can stand more. Here we go:
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Faculty Diversity and Equity Committee – California State University
Florida District Export Council
Full Decorrelator
Frequency-Dependent Electromagnetic Coupling
Flat Depressed Early Colon Cancer – Gastroenterology
Fayetteville Deliverance Evangelistic Center
Final Diploma in English and Chinese
First Decatur Bancshares, Inc